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Quantum Journeying Experience (QHHT, BQH) Part 6

You’ve probably noticed by now, that our destination within this podcast is always beyond the veil. We continue with this practice because beyond the veil is exactly where we need to be to manifest our best life….we actually start beyond the veil and then bring the goodness and light back with us to our normal everyday reality. This is how manifesting works in the lighter densities.

So, you can continue trying the heavy lifting of manifesting here in this 3D reality, or you can come with me and I’ll show you where the most effective tools exist…beyond the veil. There are many ways to journey beyond the veil – to find our most effective creation space.

Each week, I’ve been providing you with guided visualizations to practice this method. You may not have realized this yet, but now you know. And, the more belief and intention you mix into your efforts, the more effective you will be. Besides guided visualizations, there are other ways to do this. Some take drugs for just this purpose. I do not recommend that avenue myself, but I will introduce you to an alternative which is just as effective if not more so when you are working with the right person. It’s called Quantum Journeying and it can lead you to your desired state of health, relationships, and abundance.

I’m a quantum guide and I assist others to experience expanded levels of consciousness for healing and for joyful life One of my clients has agreed to discuss his experience here so that others can understand the process and determine whether such a session would be helpful to them at this time.

Within these episodes are clips from his actual sessions where you can listen along for enlightenment. He also talks to us about how his sessions felt for him, what he experienced within a session, and he shares some of the information he gained from his sessions. In previous episodes, we covered my client LA’s first session with me, which was an in-person Q&A session, Quantum Healing Hypnosis session. In that session, LA received energetic healing and alignment, which prepared him for the future sessions, which were to follow. Unlike our first session,which was covered in episodes one through three of this podcast, this session and future sessions were conducted online.

In episode 4 he speaks of surface, forgiveness, how to heal a hardened Heart, walking in Love and Forgiveness, why it's important to Speak your truth, living a perfect life and what that means. In episode 5, LA receives much wisdom from his guide, Michelle.He learns that we all must sit at our table, which means we must walk the path we came here to walk, and in doing that,we set an example for others so that they may also sit at their tables. We can encourage them to do so with a smile and acknowledgment and simple kindness.

In these episodes, more Bible verses are discussed and broken down to be considered from a different perspective.According to LA’s guide, Michelle, spirit and energy are one in the same. When you were in high spirits, you are in high energy and vice versa.

In the session discussed in episode 5, LA was able to speak with his grandma, who had passed about a year prior to the session and learns that contrary to what he believed,she was never holding him back. She tells him to go do what he is called to do, and that is to be love and light. In episode 5, we are reminded that everything is connected. We are reminded of our silver cord and that we are always free to go, free to travel within the dimensions.

On that note, Michelle tells LA and I that we were currently meeting in the space between the two dimensions. We are advised that we must be specific in our questions and in our intentions because energies think differently and interpret things differently in these dimensions. Michelle reminds us that this concept is illustrated by the Biblical Sermon on the Mount.

We are also reminded that everything, every thought, every action is recorded in this quantum realm and that we may always access these quantum records.

We learn that the destination for our session was inside of us, that our soul can be likened to a ball existing inside of us. That when we leave it physical during dreams or at other times, this ball is attached to a silver cord for our return. As an example, the image is described as the shape of a human, more of an outline with an orb of light in the belly. That's why it is said that all answers lie within.

In the quantum session discussed in episode 5, we explore the symbol of a lighthouse and learn that we must be the light so that others can find us in their darkness. We also receive a lesson on how to use mirrors to peer inside our soul. In this session, too, LA holds space with his guides, his ancestors, and Martin Luther King Jr.

Let’s move on to episode 6 now, which will begin my third session with LA. The session opens with my client connecting with his Guardian Angel, Michelle. Other energies gather around as well, and they all then accompanies him on the journey.

He's introduced to an analogy of "houses" for understanding multi-dimensional interactions and experiences in our every day lives. We dropped a pin in this scene, much like on a map, so that he can return here at any time he wishes with his simple intention.

My client's Guardian Angel then shows him why it's important to be the light you came here to be, and gives him an energy alignment for such purposes. My client's healing team then instructs him on how to do this alignment for himself using breath. They teach him that healing is about "belief" and they teach him how to gain belief.

Finally, he meets with a council of his guides, ancestors, and helpful spirits and receives instruction from them on how he can elicit their PHYSICAL assistance to accomplish things in the physical realm and in his daily life.

Before we begin, I want to speak briefly about how communication happens within the lighter densities of consciousness. We are all familiar with the five senses we use to interpret and navigate our lives here within our everyday waking reality. But, within the lighter densities of consciousness, we each have full toolbox of additional senses which we use to interpret our experiences.

I’ve spoken of these additional senses and how they play into intuition in previous episodes, so I won’t go into detail here. But, it’s important to understand that within a quantum session, we easily transition into using these innate higher senses to retrieve information. Sometimes, it’s challenging to translate what we retrieve with these senses into language that can be understood by those using only five senses.

Often within a session, my clients pause for long periods of time while they make this translation so that they are able to describe their experience to me. For ease of listening, I’ve eliminated all of the pauses for this episode. If you’re curious, and want to listen to the extended versions with all of the pauses intact, contact me. We can surely make that happen. But, just be forewarned, some of these sessions are up to five hours long when all the pauses are included.

Guided Quantum Journeying is helpful to many, but it is not right for everyone. I'd be happy to speak with you about the process and discuss whether or not it would be right for you at this time. Just drop me an email with your name, phone number and the best time to reach you and I will give you a call. I'm pretty easy going and there will be no fact, you may sense the reverse of pressure when I call, lol. The email address to request a call is [email protected]


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