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Welcome to Experience Expanding Consciousness with Jani Bryson

Everyone is talking about the expansion of consciousness these days, but how many have actually experienced expanding consciousness in their daily lives? This podcast is not like the's not just conceptual, but specifically designed to be experiential....guiding you comfortably and safely into the sublime experience of an expanded consciousness in order to improve your life experience in many noticeable ways. While it's true that consciousness is expanding for everyone right now, few can say from personal experience exactly what that feels like and exactly what that does for them. This podcast is an experiential journey complete with a travel agent, a guide, and many important and fascinating stops along the way. So, buckle up and head out with me now. Our destination is behind the veil. And, from now on, you get to experience it whenever you choose. It's undeniable that we have arrived at a point on our evolutionary timeline where consciousness is expanding at a rapid pace. Here, on the Expanding Consciousness Podcast, we explore what consciousness means, how it works, and how to leverage an understanding of consciousness to manifest the joyful, abundant life you came here to experience. My name is Jani Bryson and I am a quantum guide. I assist others to explore elevated planes of consciousness for understanding, manifesting, and healingā€¦physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I guide people into elevated states of consciousness for the purpose of a better, happier, healthier life. Elevated states of consciousness are the keys to unlocking the quantum realm and all that it holds, including answers to personal difficulties and all types of healing -- physical, emotional, and spiritual. This is the realm of the shaman...and once you've experienced it for yourself, you see the potential. And, you begin to learn how to manifest from it. You learn how to create your own reality so that it matches your desire and your purpose. Manifesting becomes second nature when you understand the quantum realm.


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