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My name is Jani Bryson and I am a quantum consciousness guide.

I guide people into elevated states of consciousness for multi-dimensional experiences in which personal development and healing occur.

It is also within these "higher" dimensions that manifesting (co-creating your own reality) begins.

I offer one-on-one sessions as well as several digital courses found here on this website.

I am different than some spiritual guides or teachers in that I don't just work in theory. I work hard to develop exercises and practices to allow my clients and students to actually experience altered states of consciousness or higher dimensions. I am passionate about this because once you've experienced these alternate dimensions, everything changes for the happier...for the healthier....for the better.

These experiences can be similar to peyote, Ayahuasca, or LSD without the risks. I am a strong proponent of going within without the use of these substances for numerous reasons.

My main methods are guided visualizations which I deliver from within higher realms of consciousness myself. They are designed to draw clients and students into these higher states for learning, development, and healing.

I’m able to assist my clients by guiding them into a deep state of relaxation so brainwaves shift into the theta state. This is a common state and happens naturally everyday just before waking and just before falling asleep. When guidance is added during this state, it’s called quantum healing or quantum journeying and I practice it both for myself and for others.

While in theta state, one is able to connect with higher realms of consciousness known to hold All That Is. In this realm, the quantum realm, answers and healing exist. My guidance assists those I work with to extract it, so to speak.

I know these higher realms of consciousness. I've seen them myself many times, and I witness others consciously experiencing them for the first time in both the individual and the group Quantum sessions I guide.

It's through these higher realms of consciousness that I have been called to develop ways to help others experience these helpful realms at will. And, it's due to this calling that I've created tools to do so:

These tools have been created from a lifetime of experience within the higher realms. I was not always specifically aware of these higher realms, but I experienced enough oddities that I began to realize that the unusual was common with me.

So, while I was somewhat aware, for various reasons kept it latent until almost two decades ago. That's when I first connected with the energy of stones while walking the shoreline of the Irish Sea in Aberystwyth, Wales.

I built on that for about a decade before another significant occurrence in Yosemite caused me to awaken to the significance of light.

This photo is that very moment in Yosemite that I understood the divine significance of light. That very moment. And, it is a self-portrait taken just after midnight. It's the moon you see in the far right. perhaps you can feel the energy of this moment in the photo.

If you are curious, and would like to awaken to the significance of light, you may wish to explore my Light Entrainment™ meditations, here.

Since my surprise awakening to the knowing of light, the trajectory of my journey has shifted to expanded consciousness and exploring the quantum realm. I am somewhat of a visual storyteller so I tend to photograph everything. and I mean everything.

I've been visually documenting my journey through consciousness with interesting photos, all along, preparing to share this process with others.


I've learned that everyone is on a similar journey of expanded consciousness at this time, but in their own order and on their own time, with their own unique synchronicities.

The path is different for each, but the checkpoints are fairly universal.
The best way I can describe a checkpoint is 'a nugget of understanding" or a "snippit of experience".

The checkpoints are designed to ease you forward into full, unwavering, understanding of Truth…of All That Is.

And, there must be time to assimilate new understanding and experience between checkpoints.  
It’s not possible to come into full understanding in the blink of an eye, nor at a weekend retreat. And, understanding is the framework of the experience.

You can’t skip to the end. Rather, you must visit each checkpoint along the way, on a path that is individually designed just for you. 

Your unique path reflects your history, your influences, and your current ideas.  

This is your custom path. and it is divinely designed.  
just for you.

On that note, I have specifically designed my Expanding Consciousness Framework™ with multiple "on ramps", so to speak. You can enter the framework from the level that is right for you.

My purpose is to share an understanding of these checkpoints, and my intention is to ease your own journey with understandable guidance drawn from my own connections of learning and growth. I am driven to provide you with streamlined, effective tools to EXPERIENCE these multi-dimensional realms for yourself....we're not just talking theory here.

I'm an energy intuitive who practices mastering her energy daily. studying and practicing, practicing and studying.

Some of my main tools of assistance are quantum healing modalities such as QHHT, BQH, and Quantum Journeying. I also access the Akashic Records, practice automatic writing, and create art using various mediums to share the coded energies of love, understanding, and healing that are channeled through me.

As an artist, I illustrate in a meditative state.Mmany of my drawings are available as Quantum Coloring™ Pages and the Light Is The Thing™ series of illustrations, and contain quantum healing in the vibratory qualities of the lines.

My passion for the last several years has been illustrating light and the mystical found in everyday surroundings. I am able to photograph the energy of things, most notably crystals and stones. I teach workshops and give group presentations on how to fully leverage consciousness for best life. My group guided visualizations usually sell out. They are powerful.

The trajectory of my own journey at this time is one of expanded consciousness and exploring the quantum realm.

I wake up each morning excited to share with others and offer guidance as requested. 🤍

I asked for a sign and this is what I received:


These occurrences are common place when you begin to expand your consciousness -- Try some of the tools I have here on my website for experiencing this yourself. You're here now for a reason....find out what it is and start living your life with purpose.

the energy of Amethyst:


Why I do what I do


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